The Purpose of this Worksheet is to Set the Right Trip:

  1. Expectations and Tone for Your Group

  2. Skill level based on the fitness and experience of you and your group

Question 1: What are your goals for the trip?

  • Fun

  • Fitness

  • Miles/kilometres

  • Relaxation

  • Other

Question 2: How many miles do you want to hike?

The general rule of thumb is:

  • Beginner: 2 to 3 miles (3-5km) per day

  • Intermediate: 3 to 6 miles (5-10km) per day

  • Advanced: 6 to 10 miles (10-16km) per day

  • Extreme: 10+ miles (16km) per day

Question 3: What Concerns Do You Have About Backpacking?

  • Identifying your fears helps you pack the gear, plan the locations, and research the area in a way that best mitigates your fears.

Question 4: How Can I Test Myself to Build Confidence?

  • For each fear in Question 3, try to think of a corresponding thing you can do ahead of time to address that fear.